Project Description:We had to paint a drawing on the 9Th grade common pillars with what your civilization had to do with. Well I needed to write about was about the mayans so I needed to draw something in the 9th grade commons and what I draw was a calendar aztec and also a pyramid.
Process: Well first I didn't really had ideas like what to do do but then I went to google so see what ideas I could get so I saw the images and I saw this calendar aztec and also a pyramid when I saw it yes this is the perfectthing that I need so I choose that. But then when I started to draw it in the the 9th grade commons first I did it with a pencil and the I painted it.
Reflection:What did you learn?
-I learned that the pictures that I draw means a lot to the Mayans of science & technology.
What challenges did you encounter?
-Well like I didn't really encounter any of the challenges because I think that when I was painting it was really cool doing it like I had lotz of fun and speacially because I love to paint.
What would you do the same or different?
-I think I wouldn't do anything different because I was really happy with my drawing it came just how I wanted.
How will this help you later?
-Well it will help me later on to be a professional drawer. jajajaja lol NO JOKE :)
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