Project description: Well in this project when we first started we needed to do 3o things on what you believe and write it about the stuff that is really important and interesting in your life. And then we needed to choose a quote of the 30 things that we wrote and I choose " Everything happens for a reason ". And then write an essay about your quote that you choose and I choose that quote because a lot of stuff happen to me and well everything that happens it happens for a reason.
Reflection: In this project of I believe it made me believe more in things and trust more. And also this project I also noticed that my other friend they also believe more in stuff thanks to this project. I think that this project really help me a lot on believing more stuff.
I think that I did challenge because in the essay we needed to write at least 4oo words or 5oo the max and well when I was typing my essay I though that I did like 4oo or less that that but when I check on the word a count it was 784 words and it was a lot and I needed to arrange some of my work so then I just stayed with 5oo words and I think I did challenge because I wrote a lot.
What I would do different would be spent more time in my work even though I know I have the enough time to do my work but what I do different is spent more time on it.
This project would help me a lot later on when I grow up because I could be a writer or be an expert on projects of writing and some other stuff but I really think his would help m a lot later on.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My Ishmael R.E.M

Project description: for this project was based of My Ishmael its the book that we have been reading for the longest. They gave us the chance to choose our own chapter and do something of it. And also we could of do how much we wanted to but I just wanted to do one. Which was tho one of the illustrator the drawing and I choose that one because I love painting and because its fun and better.
Process: First thing I did was to get a piece of paper and practice my drawing with it and see how its going to look like. Second what I did I started to draw first with a pencil and then deleting my mistakes and then in color. Third when I was done with my drawing with a pencil I started to color it with the lightens color so it would look like if I had painted, doing it smooth.
Reflection: I learn that going to school is good to get a job when you grow up. And when you finish so they could go work and get money for the stuff that we need. Well at first it wasn't that easy but then when I was on half of it started to sound easier and well I noticed that always at the beginning its always going to be hard but when your in the middle of it looks easier. Sometimes you just have to try hard so it wont be that hard. Well I think I would do the same because in this project I took a little of while and it wasn't that easy but I tried my best and I did a hard work and I know I did well so i think I wouldn't change it and I would just do the same thing. This would help me a lot after because this show me how much work and effort you have to do to get a good grade and to understand it better and it would also help me later on drawing because if we do projects of drawing and painting lately now you would be an expert on this.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Evelyn Glennie: shows how to listen :D
What will you remember about her performance ?
I would remember all the emotions that she has for music. All that type of sounds that she did but speacially in the marimba. And also I would never forget either that even though shes deaf she knows how to do all those kind of sounds and I know she could feel it.
Describe what it felt like listening to her play. What factors helped create this moment ? You can describe any of the times that she played or either instrument.
Well I really had fun listening at her perfomance because like all the kinds of sounds she would do it would like relax me. Also it would inspired me that even though shes deaf she knows how to focused on what she was doing. And I really like how she was useing the drums because also she would do it with the sticks in the sides to make differents sounds.
What elements of her perfomance influenced what the audince heard ?
I think that she put a lot of effort in the performance. At first I didn't know that she was deaf because everything that she does with the sounds it doesn't look that shes deaf until she said that she was deaf since she was 12 years old. And well everytime she would do the sound it would feel good.
What did she mean by " Each person experiences music in their own way" ?
I think that she meant that some people might be blind but, they know how to feel the music and do different type of sounds but they have their own way to do the music and feel it. Some people don't really like the music because they think its boerding because they don't know how to feel the music and they don't know how special is. (:
I would remember all the emotions that she has for music. All that type of sounds that she did but speacially in the marimba. And also I would never forget either that even though shes deaf she knows how to do all those kind of sounds and I know she could feel it.
Describe what it felt like listening to her play. What factors helped create this moment ? You can describe any of the times that she played or either instrument.
Well I really had fun listening at her perfomance because like all the kinds of sounds she would do it would like relax me. Also it would inspired me that even though shes deaf she knows how to focused on what she was doing. And I really like how she was useing the drums because also she would do it with the sticks in the sides to make differents sounds.
What elements of her perfomance influenced what the audince heard ?
I think that she put a lot of effort in the performance. At first I didn't know that she was deaf because everything that she does with the sounds it doesn't look that shes deaf until she said that she was deaf since she was 12 years old. And well everytime she would do the sound it would feel good.
What did she mean by " Each person experiences music in their own way" ?
I think that she meant that some people might be blind but, they know how to feel the music and do different type of sounds but they have their own way to do the music and feel it. Some people don't really like the music because they think its boerding because they don't know how to feel the music and they don't know how special is. (:
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sustainability Visit ;D

I visited a farmers market on sunday March, 9 with Jocelyn A. and interviewed a worker.
1.) What is your name and our role here at the (farmers market, CSA, community garden ?
My name is Loren Peters and I have been working at the farmers Market for five years.
2.) Why do you choose shop/garden/support this CSA ?
Is really good foer the enviroment and for us to sell organic food ans support the CSA.
3.) When did you first start coming here ?
I started to come like 5 years ago.
4.) Do you garden at home? why? why not?
No, I don't garden at home. Because I don't have that much space.
5.) What would be your advice to get others to do what you do ?
Well since I have been working here for five years I know that all the food product that we sell here is healthy and also healthy snacks and me and my wifey we always come here to shop for healthy food.
Blog Questions (:
1.) What sruck you about the location that you visited? Was it what you expected or very different ?
Well what sruck me was that like there were like different shops of organic food and they were actually good food. Well since that was my first time that I have been here I didn't reall expect that because I though that they were going to be some other shops of food but they were some others shops of jewerly and flowers shop.
2.) Which iteams were cheaper than you expected ? Which one were more expensive ?
Well some fruit they were cheaper but they were some other fruits that they were cheaper. The most expensive stuff was the jewery I liked this necklace that it was like turquese but it was 50 dollars and I was shocked because it was really expensive.
3.) Do you think you will start going to the farmers more often ?
Well it was my first time going there and they were actually some cool stuff and also they were a lot of oraganic food and well im going to star telling my parents to go there because there some really good shops.
4.) How do this locations fit into our essential questions of " Why don't people live more sustainably? " And " How can I convince them to do so ?"
Well people don't have that much money to live sustainably and speacially because we all know that all the food that is organic is expensive. But it is really important to eat organic food and be haelthy. Well how to convince them is by telling the information to ther family, friends. neighbors, members that how it can be healthy for there kids and family. If people they start eating more organic food well they might start doing more organic food and which thats awsome because every human might at least a lil bit of organic food so they could be healthy. :)
Monday, May 10, 2010
The senior garden;D

1.) Why is the garden here ?
to have a cool garden in our school and so it would look nicer.
2.) Why are you here ?
because its a cool garden and because they also go ther for there projects when they have.
3.) Whats going to happen to the garden next year ?
There gunna keep on fixing it and making it better.
4.) What does the garden mean to you ?
it means a lot its important because is something that we need in our lifes. And because what it grows thats what we eat and its something natural.
* What does a garden mean to you ?
Well for me it means a lot because thanks to a garden we have a lot of vegetables to eat. And because things that we eat it grows ther and its natural.
* What did you like the most of the garden ?
Well what I liked the most was that how the strawberries grow because I love strawberries and well I also liked the flowers that they were planting and growing they were really pretty to and so far thats what I liked bout the garden mostly.
* Would you make any changes ?
Well the only changes that I would make is planting more flowers so the garden would look more beautiful :)
* Whats going to happen to the garden next year ?
Well I guess they still going to keep on planting vegetables , fruits , and plants so the garden would look beautiful for next year.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Talking this ideas out :D

-What has struck you?
Well what sruck me was about that little kid about that hamburger like I was freak out. And now that we go out to eat to eat im like kind of scared to eat a hamburger. :/
-Do you agree or desagree with the concepts ? why?
I agree with it because everything that they say it was true. I also agree with my Ishmael about that we shouldstart thinking about our own culture and how is going to affect our earth and its population.
-How can you apply them to the real world?
Well by telling all my family to start buying organic food like for example Trades Joe.
-What do you parents or family member think?
What my family thought was that like its sad how they kill the animals and specialy like when they killed like whatever and its like sad like at least they should make them go sleep and then kill them. But also to my dad said that we should start telling people to be aware on what they eat. And well my dad and mom would always tell me to eat healthy.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
School Daze Dialectic Journals

Quote: " Yeah," I said with a bitter laugh. " Only about eighty million kids went to bed last night praying for six feet of snow to fall so the schools would have to close. " (page.131)
I think that this quote is intersting because I feel that way sometimes. School should be a place that you can meet new people and learn about the subjects that you like. And some students don't like school But unfortonely we have to come because that would help us get a good job when we grove up. Some kids don't like going to school because they think that its lame but they have to because is something that they need to do. But also there some student that do like coming to school because they like school subjects.
I think that this quote is intersting because I feel that way sometimes. School should be a place that you can meet new people and learn about the subjects that you like. And some students don't like school But unfortonely we have to come because that would help us get a good job when we grove up. Some kids don't like going to school because they think that its lame but they have to because is something that they need to do. But also there some student that do like coming to school because they like school subjects.
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