Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sustainability Visit ;D

I visited a farmers market on sunday March, 9 with Jocelyn A. and interviewed a worker.

1.) What is your name and our role here at the (farmers market, CSA, community garden ?

My name is Loren Peters and I have been working at the farmers Market for five years.

2.) Why do you choose shop/garden/support this CSA ?

Is really good foer the enviroment and for us to sell organic food ans support the CSA.

3.) When did you first start coming here ?

I started to come like 5 years ago.

4.) Do you garden at home? why? why not?

No, I don't garden at home. Because I don't have that much space.

5.) What would be your advice to get others to do what you do ?

Well since I have been working here for five years I know that all the food product that we sell here is healthy and also healthy snacks and me and my wifey we always come here to shop for healthy food.

Blog Questions (:

1.) What sruck you about the location that you visited? Was it what you expected or very different ?

Well what sruck me was that like there were like different shops of organic food and they were actually good food. Well since that was my first time that I have been here I didn't reall expect that because I though that they were going to be some other shops of food but they were some others shops of jewerly and flowers shop.

2.) Which iteams were cheaper than you expected ? Which one were more expensive ?

Well some fruit they were cheaper but they were some other fruits that they were cheaper. The most expensive stuff was the jewery I liked this necklace that it was like turquese but it was 50 dollars and I was shocked because it was really expensive.

3.) Do you think you will start going to the farmers more often ?

Well it was my first time going there and they were actually some cool stuff and also they were a lot of oraganic food and well im going to star telling my parents to go there because there some really good shops.

4.) How do this locations fit into our essential questions of " Why don't people live more sustainably? " And " How can I convince them to do so ?"

Well people don't have that much money to live sustainably and speacially because we all know that all the food that is organic is expensive. But it is really important to eat organic food and be haelthy. Well how to convince them is by telling the information to ther family, friends. neighbors, members that how it can be healthy for there kids and family. If people they start eating more organic food well they might start doing more organic food and which thats awsome because every human might at least a lil bit of organic food so they could be healthy. :)


  1. I really liked the way you expressed yourself through the writing, but in some questions you didn't answer it you skipped it. I agree with you in the price's because somethings were really expensive.

  2. hey I really like the way you responded to the questions because you make good points about organic food. The one thing that made me think was why jewelery was so expensive there, we both went to the sustainability visit together and yea the jewelry was expensive. I think you did a great job. :)

  3. I like how you answered the blog questions with really complete sentences that explained a lot. I also like how you Seemed to get good answers from the person you interviewed.
