Monday, May 10, 2010

The senior garden;D

1.) Why is the garden here ?

to have a cool garden in our school and so it would look nicer.

2.) Why are you here ?

because its a cool garden and because they also go ther for there projects when they have.

3.) Whats going to happen to the garden next year ?

There gunna keep on fixing it and making it better.

4.) What does the garden mean to you ?

it means a lot its important because is something that we need in our lifes. And because what it grows thats what we eat and its something natural.

* What does a garden mean to you ?

Well for me it means a lot because thanks to a garden we have a lot of vegetables to eat. And because things that we eat it grows ther and its natural.

* What did you like the most of the garden ?

Well what I liked the most was that how the strawberries grow because I love strawberries and well I also liked the flowers that they were planting and growing they were really pretty to and so far thats what I liked bout the garden mostly.

* Would you make any changes ?

Well the only changes that I would make is planting more flowers so the garden would look more beautiful :)

* Whats going to happen to the garden next year ?

Well I guess they still going to keep on planting vegetables , fruits , and plants so the garden would look beautiful for next year.

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