There was a girl named Brianna with the age of 19, she had a job of working on a cheese factory. She didn't really like her job, but the only reason she worked there was because she needed the money. Brianna had a brother named Leonardo. She didn’t have a dad, he died in a car accident and, Brianna and Leonardo were really over protective of her mom. She didn't want a guy get close to her mom or be next to her. Also Leonardo her brother was a jealous person too. Leonardo was 17. Cindy her mom was 36. Brianna would always work at the factory. Brianna would work a lot and carry eight cheeses at the same time. She would do that for the past 6 months. Until once her bones got tired of caring a lot of cheese at the same time she was crying a lot but at the same time she was really mad that she wanted to kill everybody. Brianna calls her brother, and her mom. They went fast to the hospital to see how Brianna was. After three months Brianna went back to work. A costumer went to the store to buy some cheese. When the costumer went to his house and opened the cheese when he sees that the cheese were rotten so the costumer went back to the store and said “I want my money back because those cheese were rotten". So the manager came and told Brianna “Brianna am so sorry but you’re fired because you can't be doing that to the costumers. So Brianna started to cry because she didn't mean to do that. But im the end she accepted it. So her mom was looking for a job. After three weeks she found one. She needed to work because what would they do without money so after that. After she started to work she found a guy friend and his name was martin. But Brianna didn't agree with it she didn't wanted a step dad but her mom wanted to married her friend martin also martin too. Brianna got really mad at her mom because her mom knew that Brianna didn't want a step dad. Brianna said “mom if you get married with Martin don't talk to me never in your life. Her mom said “But Brianna you got to understand that if we love each other we have to be together so we could be happy. Her mom got married with Martin. Brianna said "okay mom I guess you don't care about my opinion" with a disappointed face. After two months Brianna needed to accept it so she found a guy friend name Nardo but his nickname was teddy so everyone would call him like that. One day Nardo asked Brianna “Brianna do you like or do you think if am cute". Brianna got hella blush and said “yeah I do like you and of course your hella cute" so Nardo asked Brianna” Then Brianna would you give that chance?" Brianna said “yes, yes, yes of course I would" with a big smile in her face. But there was a problem that Leonardo didn't agree with that relationship of Brianna and Nardo he would say that Brianna didn't have permission. So Brianna said with a big tone “STOP, STOP LEONARDO GETTING IN MY LIFE YOUR NO ONE TO TELL ME THAT!!!!!" with a big attitude. Brianna couldn't understand her brother Leonardo neither her mom so she felt like an ant lost in the world so she decided to do the steps with her mom and with her step dad Martin and of course with her brother Leonardo. But after 1 year everything changed because Brianna understands her mom and Martin's relationship so she understands it and she didn't have a problem. Because she was cool that her mom would let her have a boyfriend. So she didn't tip about it. And same thing with Leonardo he needed to change that he needed to understand that her mom and sister have a boyfriend so at the end he did understand it that he didn't trip about it that at the end he got a girl to So after all the time that they had problems finally they resolve them and they just decided to be a great family and not have problems so now they leave with some peace on there house the end.
zine link :http://students.hthma.